
Even though it kind of is.

Threads was new and I saw an opportunity. I’ve actually seized on that pretty well I’d say. I’ve earned a beautiful community of friends. A lot of y’all are closer to me than family or people I grew up with. Originally, I wanted people to like my art and to make it a career selling 3D designs for 3D printing.

I no longer think that’s a sustainable goal, so over my time on threads I expanded into 3D modelling for art using Blender. I’m getting into asset creation for Game Dev, and other projects.

Those things are all fine and dandy, but they don’t lead to connections and connections I do crave. So that’s why I post stupid jokes, or the occasional little troll post. That’s why I comment, read your websites, and watch your Youtube videos. The same things I had hoped and did find my friends would do for me.

The first person to watch my Youtube video (the only one I’ve bothered releasing) isn’t even on threads any more. Vibes changed, they didn’t like it, and they’ve bounced. I talk to them elsewhere.

What is the point?

That’s what I’m getting to. Talking elsewhere. Y’all know I’m on Bluesky. Y’all know my Instagram DM’s are open. A bunch of y’all know me on Discord as well. Plenty of ways to reach me or hear from me… but the most important one is the one I have most neglected. My website.

A lot of y’all know I’ve been in a funk personally and financially, so I haven’t been writing blog posts or doing projects. I’ve been stewing in my own depression and it’s gotta stop now.

Tomorrow, October 31 is my domain renewal day. For the last few months I thought I was going to let it die because I didn’t really have the funds to justify keeping it going – while I’m not using it. That’s a double sided coin right there.

So after much inspiration from some good friends, I’ve decided that instead of killing the site, I should actually put in some work and make it what I wanted, when I started on Threads. Get some work out there, and see what happens.

Thanks, mostly.

So thank you to the real ones who have been here for so long to support me in so many ways. You’ve liked my art and given me great compliments. You’ve given me advice on how to fix this or that when I’m stuck. You’ve given me the encouragement to renew my investment in myself.

You were the ones who told me I should have a blog and I shyly replied that I do, but don’t use it. You were the ones who said it’s worth it and so am I.

I love you, and I appreciate you being here. In my own space.

Extra shoutout to agtraphaus for late night motivation when it hit the most. Check out his website and feel his message.
I could shout out a ton of specific people, but you all know who you are. If you want a link to your work or your website, get in my DMs.

Thanks again for being here.

Hi, I’m dentedprinter


  1. So I came to this post because I follow you on Threads. I’m glad you didn’t shut down your blog and listened to your mates. You clearly can write well, and it would be good to see what kind of longer form content you can produce even if it’s opinion pieces.

    I’ve always felt that social media is just a stepping stone to drive your audience to where you create – you’re site.

    Keep it up dude. I look forward to seeing more of what you write.

    1. Paul, thank you for this kind and well thought out reply to my post. I appreciate that you can back up my friends sentiments and that you took the time to now only read, but sign in and reply to, this post.

      I plan to do all my long form communications here now. I do plan to increase the usage of this site for all intended purposes as well. 3D printing, Art, etc.

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